Build A Masjid & Your House in Jannah
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
“Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.”
This blessed month of Ramadan is an opportunity to multiply your rewards and make a lasting impact. The DawaNet Center is more than just a mosque—it’s a vital community hub that will serve one of the fastest-growing Muslim populations in Canada.
Proud Project Partners

Our Community Is at a Breaking Point.
🔺 Our mosques are overwhelmed – Canada’s Muslim population is expected to double by 2030, reaching 2.7 million people.
🔺 1 in 4 Canadians face food insecurity—and this includes many Muslims in our own neighborhoods. Thanks to donors like you, our food bank was able to reach 300 people with halal meals every month. But that’s not enough.
🔺Muslim Canadian organizations reported a 600% surge in helpline calls over the past year, highlighting the increasing demand for community services.
The need for a community hub like the DawaNet Center has never been more urgent.

Your Impact So Far:
Food Baskets Delivered
410,000 lbs
of Halal Food Served to Zakat-Eligible Families
300+ People
Supported Every Month in the Mississauga Area
600+ People
Engaged Via Our Prayer Events Around the Heartland Area in Mississauga
🤝 Why Give To DawaNet Islamic Centre?
1. Strategic Location
Centrally placed in Mississauga/Oakville, reaching Muslims who currently have no mosque in their neighbourhood.
2. More Prayer Space
The new Islamic Centre will accommodate thousands of Muslims, providing them a dedicated space for Ramadan, Taraweeh, and Friday prayers.
3. Safe Haven for Kids & Youth
Create a nurturing space for our children & youth to learn and strengthen their Muslim identity through our halaqa, youth programs and Islamic school.
4. Zakat & Sadaqa Eligible
Your donation today is 100% Zakat eligible and tax deductible compliant, maximizing your impact in both worlds.
Build Your House in Jannah by supporting the new DawaNet Islamic center this Ramadan.
👉 Who Are We?
This project is led by DawaNet Charitable Services, a trusted community partner behind impactful initiatives like HalalServe, DawaNet Youth, Young Imam Training, and more.
We are a proud project partner of DawaNet, an organization known for projects like MuslimFest, Toronto Muslims, Understanding Islam Academy, Canada Zakat and more.
Proud Project Partner